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The Cheat Code to the Test!

#athlete #depression #encouragement #football #kentuckystateuniversity #mentor #nfl Mar 18, 2024

🎙️ 🎙️ 🎙️ New Podcast Alert 🎙️ 🎙️ 🎙️
🎙️ As a little boy, Anthony Richardson wanted to play in the National Football League (NFL). The NFL did not become a reality after playing football for Kentucky State University (KSU). He tried arena football but that just wasn’t the NFL.

🎙️ When you play both sides of the ball, you get the cheat code to the test!

🎙️ Find an accountability partner to assist with self awareness. Someone who’s opinion you trust. Good, bad and ugly. Life is about continually elevating.

🎙️ You never know when you will need someone therefore building relationships are critical. To prosper and go far you need others.

🎙️ As a father, it’s important to Coach Richardson to be present with his kids much like his family was in the stands for him.

🎙️ His motto is “hope for the best and plan for the worst”!

🎙️ After blowing out his knee, making it to the NFL was not an option. As he began to look for jobs, this was the first time ever that he would hear that he was overqualified.

🎙️ He would then fall in love with helping kids to reach their goals and achieve their passion. Learn the attributes of sports that make you a better person not just a better athlete.

🎙️ Coach Richardson started traveling the country training young people until he heard the call from God to start Inside the Lines Training Inc.

🎙️ Coach Richardson shared the following tips on how he was able to overcome depression:

1. Have someone to talk to that loves you that you trust
2. Someone that you can be vulnerable with
3. Have discernment being vulnerable as to what levels to go with and who

🎙️ If you don’t have your Father in your life, find a big brother. Find someone that is either living your dream or walking the same path trying to live their dream. Sitting in silence will not get you anywhere.

🎙️ Inside the Lines is all of Coach Richardson’s success and failures into a program for youth that say that they want to get to where he’s seen and attempted to be. Helping youth to be the best version of themselves under pressure situations.

🎙️ Who will you be when your career is over? He wants to help instill confidence in today’s youth. Tutoring, training and mentoring all under one roof!

🎙️ A goal is just hope unless it has attainable measures within it. You gotta learn to play the game whether you like the system or not! You have to play the game right to get to where you want to be.

🎙️ Transferrable skillsets that Coach has learned are:

* Leadership
* Integrity
* Dedication
* Accountability
* Consistency

🎙️ Sometimes you have to do what you gotta do to do what you want to do!

🎙️ It takes maturity and the ability to see yourself (know your strengths and weaknesses) to play as a team and win!

🎙️ No matter the delivery there’s still a message. A lot of people are focused on the delivery instead of the message.

🎙️ We base our happiness on tangible things. Happiness is temporary. Joy is something that can’t be taken away. If someone takes your happiness, they control you!

🎙️ As Coach puts a bow on this conversation, here’s the advice that he has for you:

🎙️ Coaches - just continue to grow, never stop learning, don’t have the same approach with every athlete

🎙️ Athletes - Believe in yourself, never stop trying to compete, continue to grow

🎙️ Parents - Don’t be your kids friend, challenge them to get better, put them in monitored uncomfortable situations, stop team hopping

🎙️ Contact information mentioned in today’s episode:

Inside the Lines Training Inc.
Phone: 502-298-4409
"IMProving our youth’s future through today's ACTions!"
Facebook: @Inside the Lines Training, Inc.
Twitter: @ITLtrains
Instagram: @ITLtraining

Entire episode found on the below links:

🎙️YouTube https://youtu.be/IzZssN8YKkQ

🎙️Website https://www.coachdanaspencer.com/blog

🎙️Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dana-spencer/episodes/The-Cheat-Code-To-The-Test-e2ghdi4