Entry Level Real Estate Investing

Do these numbers bother you?

  • 50% of Associates are not happy in their role
  • 85% of people are disengaged on the job
  • 49% of women say their stress has increased over the past 5 years
  • U.S. companies are expecting to pay an average 3.4% raise to workers in 2022
  • 47% of Americans say cost of living is No.1 threat to future security
  • Nearly 1 in 3 women are discouraged about their finances
  • Roughly 50% of women ages 55 to 66 have no personal retirement savings


Learn how to lower your personal expenses


Use good debt to your advantage


Learn how to invest and reach your goals faster.


My Story

Dana gets her passion for real estate from her Grandfather who always owned property.  He would buy a house for the family and then build another house on that property.  He would either rent out that house or allow family to stay there.  Dana jumped in real estate with both feet as an agent in 2003.  She quickly realized that she didn’t have the relationships in place nor the cash reserves to build the real estate empire that she’d dreamed of.  After almost losing her house to foreclosure in 2004 she went back to corporate America in 2005.  Dana has established key relationships, a renewed mindset, has some cash reserves in the bank and is ready to give real estate a second chance.  She’s walked away from corporate America again in 2022 on a journey to tell the world the opportunity that awaits them within real estate.

Whether its home ownership or purchasing real estate as investment property, Dana wants every Single Lady to know that she has choices.  She wants to tell the world that they have a right to achieve the dream of home ownership by investing in real estate!    

I encourage women to transform their thinking to focus on looking for the solution instead of limiting themselves to only seeing the problem

Collaboration, partnerships and coming together with the right team will propel you to the next level!

It’s time to bet on ourselves, fine tune our strengths and develop our God given talents!

Why I Do It

Have you ever played the game of Monopoly?  The person that buys the most property, adds houses and hotels ultimately controls everything and wins the game.  When you land on their property, you have to pay the amount due.  Imagine playing the game of Monopoly and not even trying to buy any property.  You would lose the game very quickly.  Today, we are losing the game of Life because of the lack of knowledge that not buying property means you will always have to pay because you are living on someone else’s property and have no land of your own.  I want to educate those who are renting of the critical times that we live in that if we don’t buy land we will quickly be out of the game. 

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