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How I Figured Out How to Become a Professional Athlete!

#athlete #athletics #basketball #howto #mindset #nba #professional Jan 01, 2024

🎙️ Just like most young boys, Reggie wanted to be successful as well as an athlete growing up.  Success to Reggie was making a lot without having to work hard!  Other than outside on the playground Reggie didn’t play organized sports until he was in high school.  

🎙️ Reggie loved being pushed to the extent that he was comfortable.  He loved being part of sports and the impact that it would have on his life.  

🎙️ Every aspect of Reggie’s life received its thumb print from sports.  Teamwork, camaraderie, communication, adversity, and no matter how hard you try or how good you are that you might not win! 

🎙️ The way Reggie looks at problems and the way he handles success in the right way was key to his ability to stay charged up for the mental and physical toughness that’s needed at the highest level.  

🎙️ Without giving too much of his book away Reggie shares some tips on how to get from being average to becoming a professional.  

🎙️ Find out your value in the environment that you are trying to get in is the advise that Reggie would give to those aspiring to compete at the highest level.  

🎙️ Reggie was single during the majority of his professional career.  When it was time to find a wife , someone with a like mindset works a lot better than someone that meets your financial level.  

🎙️ When asked what’s next for Reggie he’s working with athletes more so on the mental side of things.  

🎙️ Reggie drops some jewels on how to help athletes to get back in the game mentally!

🎙️ According to Reggie, his mentorship program is not for everybody!  Listen as he shares the details of who his is program is NOT for.

🎙️ Reggie reveals how he uses the Flight Assessment to kick things off with the teams that he works with.  The Flight Assessment helps to put a spotlight on the individuals within the team.  It helps the players to have a better understanding of themselves and those that they are around.  

🎙️ In putting a bow on the conversation, Reggie suggests to find your groove, settle in, be where your feet are and watch things change.    

🎙️ Links shared during the episode: 

🎙️ https://www.fullcourtvision.com

🎙️ https://a.co/d/1Az1qdM. 2.0 To PRO: The Student's Guide To Raise Up and Dunk Life