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A Slave To Purpose Not Money!

Oct 09, 2023

🎙️ In this riveting podcast episode featuring John and Joy Mays, their journey from full scholarship students at Tennessee State University to dynamic real estate moguls unfolds with astonishing resilience. Despite facing setbacks that cost them their scholarships, fate reunited them during Homecoming, both engrossed in the transformative pages of "Purpose Driven Life."

🎙️ The Mays' progress in real estate is nothing short of legendary. With the proceeds from a single property sale, they eradicated their student loans, only to find themselves back at broke. Their advice for single listeners: engage in conversations often left uncovered before marriage. Once vows are exchanged, "his" and "hers" become "ours," and every step is taken in harmony.

🎙️ For those seeking a lasting union, John and Joy offer a curated set of questions to ask potential partners before sealing the deal. Their philosophy of Mom & Pop Millionaire Marriages is a testament to valuing time over money.

🎙️ The Mays' exposure and dynamic ministry have nurtured a mindset shift, propelling them from mere spectators to icons of affluence. They champion the notion that time holds greater worth than its monetary counterpart.

🎙️John's ascent in the DE&I sphere was propelled by his unwavering focus on impact over career apprehensions. He imparts valuable advice to corporate workers, advocating for a tempered pace, nurturing robust relationships, and championing others' successes.

🎙️Team Mays embodies authenticity, holding the same conversations at the family table as they do at corporate roundtables. Their ethos: work to be forgettable, opting for a role behind the scenes, instead of being center stage. More praise and accolades leads to more work.

🎙️Prioritizing time above all else precipitates a shift in one's value system. Mom & Pop Millionaire Marriages is a beacon for couples seeking not just financial prosperity, but a shared vision for their legacy.

🎙️The Mays prescribe a recipe for success: clarity of vision, an airtight communication strategy, and a steadfast determination to achieve what you desire. Their bootcamp offers a supportive community dedicated to mutual triumph.

🎙️Their program isn't about finances; it's about fortifying marriages. You need a million-dollar union as much as they want to see you thrive.

🎙️Systematize every facet of your life, they advocate, even the emotional components of business.

🎙️Forge a path to financial prosperity side by side, ensuring it's a journey embarked upon the right way.

🎙️ Their upcoming book, "Partner Like a Married Couple," promises further insights into building powerful unions in both business and life.

🎙️If you're a duo poised for greater heights in business, reach out to Mom & Pop Millionaire Marriages. Soul mate clients are their mission, and the links await you below. Elevate your journey alongside these extraordinary coaches.

Follow them and reach out via the links below:


