Let me show you how to obtain financial freedom through investing in real estate.
Build your network while building your net worth on the road to financial freedom!
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Let's Get Started:
Investing in Real Estate!
I teach corporate women how to use real estate to create a new stream of income - so they can stop living for the next paycheck and start building a life they love
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Free Guide to Help You Stop
Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Not quite ready to get started investing in real estate today? No problem! Let's get you ready!
Learn the 8 tips that I used to stop living from paycheck to paycheck!
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5 Ways to Change Your Mindset
Any good investor understands how important mindset is to establishing a solid investment strategy. I'm sharing some ways to advance your thought process.
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With her wisdom from being a single mom for 29 years, to teaching Sunday school for over 20 years and purchasing her first home in 2002, Dana has been gifted to speak on a wide range of topics as a result of her life experiences.
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* Learn your specific behavioral preferences with the Flight Assessment and how this applies to real estate investing
* Understand real estate so that you can thrive within any market condition
* Get the knowledge to crunch the numbers and finally understand what 'you make your money when you buy' means
* Set specific goals that will help you to execute your real estate strategy
* Know who you should be building relationships with now to get you to the finish line
* And so much more! I can't wait to help you achieve your definition of financial freedom through investing in real estate
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